Facts about breast augmentation surgery in Houston
Breast Augmentation surgery is said to be the top most in the number of surgeries performed among the cosmetic surgeries since its advent in 1960’s. Houston has the greatest number of cosmetic clinics.
A patient deciding to undergo breast augmentation surgery would have many reasons. It could be to improve their self image, remedy for under developed breasts, to enhance the breast volume to meet their expectations, to bring in balance to the breasts, and even to restore the breast volume which they might have lost during pregnancy or weight loss or aging. People who have had breast abrasions due to cancer or any other disease also prefer the breast augmentation in Houston to recover their shape.
Choosing the right clinic from the vast number available is the most significant decision one has to take in houston. The most important fact to check before having a breast augmentation surgery in Houston would be the license of the clinic to perform cosmetic surgery. A surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, ensures that the surgeon is authenticated professional in this area. Due to the rise in competency among the cosmetic clinics, they have started to provide insured cosmetic surgeries including breast augmentation surgery in Houston.
The type of breast augmentation surgery preformed is yet another factor :
Breast augmentation surgery creates a pouch beneath the breast muscles and inserts a prosthesis or breast implant to the pocket. The pocket is made by different types of incision, depending on where the incision is made.
Inframammary – incision is made on the infra mammary fold.
Periareolar – incision made along the peripheral areolar region
Transaxillary- at the armpit
Transumbilical- at the umbilicus
Transabdominal- abdominal incision
Also there are two different types of breast implants available;
Saline implant – uses a sterile saline solution either pre-filled or inflatable
Silicone implant – with a viscous silicone gel.
Though an expensive option, breast augmentation is preferred by most women , and the clinics even provide assistance in financing the patient as well.
Same as any other surgery, the breast augmentation surgery also has its own risk associated. The most important health conditions include, rupturing of the sheath , deflation of the implant or even infection on the incision areas , but these are rare conditions.
The choice of the firm , type of surgery and the type of implant is all what decides how successful the Breast augmentation would be .
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