Various options for the treatment of bronchititis
Bronchitis is a problem of the chest in which the walls of the bronchial tubes get inflamed. This problem can be acute or severe. Acute bronchitis is very common and it occurs with the presence of cold and flu and goes away with the cold. But the severe bronchitis is the continuous inflammation of the walls of the bronchial tubes which is due to regular smoking.
If the problem of bronchitis comes again and again then it can be a case of chronic bronchitis’s and medical consultation is required as chronic bronchitis is a state of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The healing process of bronchitis helps to give you relief from the symptoms of the bronchitis and easy breathing. Some of the common symptoms of this problem are cough, excessive production of white, yellow, gray or green mucus, fever, shivering, fatigue and uneasiness in the chest.
The treatment of bronchitis’s is possible with herbal remedies, home remedies, antibiotics, self-care and therapies. But it depends on the intensity of the problem. So the following options are available for the treatment of bronchitis but you have to choose from them according to your situation.
Self-care: The self care includes avoiding overexertion, taking over the counter medicines, avoiding foods and taking more of liquid diet that is easy to swallow. The self care treatment is a time taking process and it can give you relief from acute bronchitis only and not the severe one.
Medications: The main reason behind the problem of bronchitis’s is a viral infection and the physician may prescribe you some antibiotic for the infection. But if the lung problem is severe then the antibiotics will help to reduce the chances of any type of secondary infection which can worsen the problem under treatment. Some physicians give cough syrups but they are meant to give you a sound sleep only as cough helps to release the irritants from the air and lung passages.
In case you are suffering from more serious problems like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than he may recommend you to use an inhaler to decrease the inflammation and open the narrow passages of the lungs.
Therapies: Now a day’s some advanced therapies are more prevalent like breathing exercises and yoga for the treatment of bronchitis. These therapies are very good as they are easy to do and no cost is involved in it and the results are also very good.
Some of the preventive asthma home remedies are very good. This includes avoiding the use of irritants of the lung. If you are a chain smoker then stop it and wear masks while going put in the polluted areas. The use of humidifier helps to give relief from the cough and looses the mucus in the air passage of the nose. But the humidifier must be cleaned so that no growth of bacteria and fungi is possible. If your cough gets aggravated with the cold air then always wears a face mask when you are going outside.
Justin Bieber - About Author:
The chronic problem of asthma can be healed with asthma home remedies so the lung problem and how to heal bronchitis possible.
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