Meditation techniques effective for people suffering from breast cancer
The positive result of various meditation techniques is now known to all. People all across the globe have benefitted from these techniques and have a healthy mind and a healthy body. These techniques are natural ways of refreshing and rejuvenating the mind and the body and hence there are no harmful side effects in them. It has been found in a survey that people who practice meditation on regular basis are able to handle stress, tension and pressure in a more effective manner than other people. Their mental and physical state of well being is also enhanced with practice of meditation.
Various kinds of research and studies are being carried out on the different meditation techniques globally and various kinds of positive results are also being reported from the same. The most interesting thing that has been revealed is that meditation is a great medicine for patients suffering from breast cancer. There are specific meditation routines that the breast cancer survivors need to follow and that helps in quicker recovery of the patients. The meditation routine includes yoga sessions, meditation classes and physical awareness classes. Patients are taught to overcome their depressed state through these techniques. Infact these techniques help in making the mind and the body stronger and fresher.
Various reports and surveys have shown that almost 50% of breast cancer survivors tend to be highly depressed with passing time. With various studies and researches, scientists and doctors at the University Of Missouri Sinclair School Of Nursing have opined that meditation is a great way in which the depression in breast cancer patients can be overcome. The various meditation techniques ensure the physical and mental well being of a person to a great extent. On learning Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques, the patients’ physical and mental health condition improved drastically.
The MBSR techniques continue for almost eight to ten weeks and patients suffering from breast cancer gain immensely from them. It has also been found out that patients who learnt these meditation techniques could cope with stress and tension better. Moreover they had a controlled and lowered respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure. Their moods also greatly improved and they became more mindful and alert after taking these sessions. Best results from these techniques are obtained when they are practiced on a regular basis or a specific routine is followed. It also helps in coping with surgery, radiations and chemotherapy used for cancer treatment.
Rockeysheen01 - About Author:
This Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit
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