Microcontrollers and Electronics Circuits Making Electronics Magazine More Popular
The popularity of online electronics magazines is increasing fast in India too like in other countries. Numbers of reasons make the numbers of electronics magazines popular; in other words it can be said that for professionals, students, innovators and research scholars, these have become the tool to brush up their knowledge about the latest arrivals, innovations, electronics circuits, products, spares and sources. The articles in these magazines are updated weekly. Every article provides comes with detailed information about the microcontrollers, spares and devices used. Each device illustrated in diagrams is named with technical specifications so the sourcing of that spare or device becomes easier.
Access to these online electronics portals is very easy; one needs to get himself registered with only few clicks. The articles are prepared by the experienced engineers and innovators with the intention to share knowledge and information. The major advantage of these magazines is that the access can be had anytime and anywhere. The students of technical courses look for the appealing concepts to complete their final years DIY projects. The microcontrollers based DIY projects concepts can be had from other off line sources also but those sources hardly guide from scratch to finish. Some leading magazines allow the subscribers to ask if they have any query. The replies are made by the expert.
Not only this, if you are looking for a job change or are looking for the fresh one, these online portals may be very helpful. Career section of EFY or Electronics For You like magazines comes up with hundreds of fresh openings every week. The interviews of seasoned HR people engaged with big business corporate houses help to steer the career nicely.
Recently I came across one such online electronics magazine. The articles with nicely drawn electronics circuits about RFID-Based Automatic Vehicle Parking System, Automatic Fan Controller For Air-conditioners, Time-Controlled Switch Using PIC16F72, Moving Message Display On LCD, RFID-Based Automatic Vehicle Parking System and Cellphone-based Device Control With Voice Acknowledgement etc were quite impressive. PIC16F877A Based Temperature Monitoring System is another gadget that is designed on the base on PIC16F877A micro-controller.
The biggest advantage of subscribing to these online electronics circuits magazines is that subscribers may get the access to previous publications also to get new concepts. It means that you start building your own library just after subscribing. Getting in to these magazines is the best use of spare time when you are on travel or needs a break from routine office work schedule. Not only be guided, also guide the others by sharing your knowledge through comments over the posts, used electronics designs or microcontrollers etc.
Shubhranshu Agarwal - About Author:
Shubhranshu Agarwal is an eminent and amateur writer primarily focusing on do it yourself projects, Electronic Circuits, Active Reflector for Pedestrian Safety, Analogue Wattmeter, Electronics Design, Clap-Based Digital Volume Control, Microcontroller, Circuit Diagrams, Relay Circuit, DIY projects related topics and working with one of the reputable Electronic and electrical company since 4 years.
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