I Can Lose Fat from the Legs Hips or Just My Stomach
The most common question we receive eternal and as a personal trainer is still based on the myth of spot reduction. The questions tend to be, "Eduardo, shows me an exercise to lose love handles," "Edward, I just want to reduce the size of my thighs," "Edward, I know you said it is not scientifically possible, but can I just gave a couple of exercises to tone your arms? "
Although the media has done a great job of debunking the myth that still persists. This is a powerful idea that vendors have made the most of it and invest a minimum of thirty thousand dollars just to produce a commercial in the stomach and thigh saunas, abdominal machines, legs and toners. It's a fairly large sum that has four to ten times the return on your investment. I have a sense of moral obligation that I do not join that money ends by car. As a matter of fact, in this short article on the myth of the loss of fat from a specific area, I have the intention to join the few in the fitness industry who want to inform consumers about the truth.
As a personal trainer, I always answer this question with a NO. The misconception of the burning of fat from a specific area of the body has been proven by research to be false. Of course, if I say that science has proved false, I made sure to do my homework and dig three studies that illustrate how wrong spot reduction is like a corridor to an urban myth.
The first study I want to illustrate answer the questions "I just want to lose belly fat, I can do abs? "In 1984, the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport reported that thirteen men made a total of 5,000 sit-ups in 27 days. Biopsies of the fat cells of the subject is used to measure the change in diameter of fat cells. The results showed that subjects lost fat equally from the stomach, buttocks and upper back although only worked their abs.
"Eduardo, I just gave leg exercises because all I want to do is lose the fat from the legs and hips?" In a study over six months in women who did leg exercises especially for about nine hours a week lost an average of 5.7 pounds of fat. The Journal of Applied Physiology, the newspaper that published the study, reported that the distribution of fat loss was 2.9 pounds of body, 2.8 pounds of the arms, thighs and 0. His nine-hour working week of the leg resulting zero loss of fat from the thighs!
"Ok, so you say ..." This is what began to hear after trying to explain the spot reduction is a myth. Continued as "spot reduction that does not work, but maybe I just gave some arm exercises to reduce fat on my arms?" This latest example is from a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 1971, where world-class players tennis were tested to see if spot reduction would help reduce fat arms. The idea behind this study was that if spot reduction work, the players would have an arm that is thinner than the other. Obviously, tennis players use their dominant arms forcefully everyday while doing relatively little with the nondominant arm. Although the dominant arm researchers found to be larger due to increased muscle tone, there was no difference between the arms of fat thickness. This study demonstrated that the work of a particular muscle does not necessarily affect the fat deposits that can be placed above the muscle.
What are your options for weight loss?
Your choices are healthy eating and moderate and intense exercise. Returning to science, research has shown that exercise and healthy eating habits are the most important part of a program of weight loss and weight control. Exercise helps you lose or control weight by using extra calories that would otherwise have been stored a fat. For example, if you were to eat more calories than you actually use through physical activity, the extra calories are stored as fat, and increasing weight. On the other hand, if you were to eat fewer calories than you actually use, your body uses the stored calories result in weight loss. Of course, if the calories are equal in calories than you use, your weight remains the same.
Lisa Beverley - About Author:
Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of lose weight including remedies, href="http://www.slimmingindia.com/health-fitness">health and fitness tips and nutrition tips, slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.
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