No longer suffer in silence for Science!
Each of our courses is unique: you will work with a chief or principal examiner as well as an outstanding teacher over a two-day period for each of your units.
Biology AS revision course and Biology A2 revision course
Our Biology revision is held in both Seaford College, West Sussex and also in our centre at Albion College, Russell Square, London. Each two-day course is unit specific and we recommend that you check our website for dates that will suit you best. We are delighted to welcome Ray Ski as one of our new Biology principal examiners and he has already expressed his enthusiasm for the structure of the courses and the fact that with the small class sizes, he will be able to provide plenty of individual and tailored attention to the students for their Biology revision course.
Chemistry As revision course and Chemistry A2 revision course
We welcome back George Facer, former chief examiner and author for our Chemistry revision. George will be running courses in London, after attracting roaring praise from the students last year (“Why can’t I have George as my Chemistry teacher all the time?!”) as well as exceptional results (one student joined the course with a C grade and completed his exam with an A*) and he will be joined by principal examiner Jack Warner, new to the Exam Confidence team this year. Jack will also be the principal examiner for our Chemistry revision course to be held at Seaford College, West Sussex. Jack will be working with small groups of students for both the Chemistry AS revision course and the Chemistry A2 revision course. Jack says he likes to get to know his students as soon as possible, so he can understand exactly how he can best help and add value.
Physics AS revision course and Physics A2 revision course
We are holding our Physics revision course in both Seaford College, West Sussex and also in Albion College, London. Again, new to our team, we are thrilled to have Gurinder Chadha – famed author and chief examiner – to facilitate the coursework on exam technique across each of our Physics revision courses. Gurinder has been a strong supporter for Exam Confidence and our approach to providing students with tutelage from senior examiners as well as from outstanding teachers. Gurinder is looking forward to enhancing each student’s confidence with the Physics topics that apply to each unit through careful teaching and maintaining a good sense of humour!
In addition to our A Level revision courses, we also offer IB Chemistry revision; IB Biology revision and IB Physics revision courses. These will all be held at Albion College, Russell Square and will be facilitated by experienced IB teachers who are passionate about their work.
Richard Riddell - About Author:
Exam confidence delivers outstanding exam revision courses for GCSE, A Levels and IB that are unit specific, exam board specific and tailored to your individual learning needs. So, if you are looking out for Biology A2 Revision Course, Physics A2 Revision Course, Chemistry A2 Revision Course or revision courses for any other subject, Visit here
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