Benefits of Organic Clothing
Organic is the buzz word of the day. In your every spheres of life organic is playing an important role. The consumption of organic food has grown substantially. The latest trend in the long list of organic product is the Organic Clothing. Environ conscious people are gradually switching over to Organic Clothing too. The benefit of like any other organic products is, it is environmental friendly and pesticide free.
The problem with the naturally grown cotton is it is not at all environ friendly, full of pesticides and the exploitation of child labor, which as per the law is a crime but practiced all over the world.
The sales of Organic Clothing is growing at a rate of 11% per annum, as it is possible to remain well dressed on the other hand remain environ friendly too.
You will be surprised to know that naturally grown cotton is the second largest natural produce in the world with a high level of pesticide content. These deadly pesticides are one of the major causes of deaths of thousand of people working in the cotton field. The surprising fact of naturally grown cotton is, in order to produce a single shirt; the quantum of cotton required is mind boggling. In some of the countries, the main cash crop is natural cotton which provides employment to millions of people. The major producer of natural cotton is Africa, which employs millions of people. It is needless to say that it is the cash crop for the country and not an easy task for them to switch..
There are some organizations in USA, which help cotton growers to educate themselves to switch from natural cotton to This being a major movement helps the consumer as well as the grower to understand the benefit of cleaner cotton which is a commonly used parlance of Organic Cotton.
Julia Roger - About Author:
For more information on organic clothing, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the organic cotton clothing!
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