What You Want in a Video for Your Website

Author: roseector | Posted: 06.03.2012

While great text and stunning pictures are essential website components, sometimes you need better visuals in the form of video clips to get your message across more effectively. This is where video marketing companies come in. They can add video content in three basic ways, enabling you to do so much more than just plain text and pictures.

Relatively popular in many websites, an overlay involves an image of an actor that practically walks onto the screen and delivers an infomercial over the page. This does not require blocking off an entire section of the page as the video pops up without displacing other elements. Since it is somewhat intrusive, a video overlay has to be quick and concise.

The lightbox format is normally longer and more comprehensive than a video overlay. This also involves an actor reciting a brief infomercial. A little screen pops and plays over the page in a way that you cannot control the rest of the page while the video is playing. However, newer settings allow Internet users to control the page without affecting video playback.

Perhaps the most efficient way to display video on a web page is by embedding it. Embedded videos appear as small boxes that are fixed in place. This is common on most networking sites, where users can copy video links and embed them on their own profile pages.

Depending on the settings that can be manipulated later in the video management software, a website visitor may play the video at any time they wish. Some websites, however, enable videos to start spontaneously whenever a visitor opens the page.

The layout and format of the video is determined by the HTML code implanted into the video management system. For an embedded or lightbox video, a header code is required. This shows in the page as a "thumbnail" that the Internet user can click if they like to start the video, or pause it if the video plays spontaneously. The position of the overlay or lightbox video can be set in the HTML code.

All this may sound confusing for a website owner who knows very little about video technology. However, it’s good to know that video syndication software is quite comprehensive, comprehensible, and user-friendly and enables videos to be distributed across multiple channels. When in doubt, you can phone for video marketing company for help or visit sites like searchengineland.com.

About Author:
For more details, please search " video management software, video management system, and video syndication software " in Google.

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