Process and Significance of DNA Extraction in Forensic Sciences

Author: ChrisAdam | Posted: 09.04.2012

DNA extraction is a complex procedure of separating from the cells meat for molecular or forensic studies. A machine called Bead Beater is used to pull out DNA from the cells. What it does is beat the cell and extract it. Another such device called the Gel Box is used to separate the sequences of the DNA in the gel. This process is aided by the use of electric current. Finally, centrifugal force produced due to spinning isolates the DNA from the solution.

dna extractionDNA extraction is done keeping in mind about its many utilities. Its most importance lies in the use of diagnosis. The presence of bacteria and viruses in your body can be easily detected via this process. Same can be said about the identification of genetic disorders. The extraction and analysis of DNA can be done via various techniques. Identification, differentiating and measuring the chronological models in marine bacteria-plankton communities is done via T-RFLP process. To identify the special group of bacteria, another technique is employed called FISH.

The process of DNA extraction is both complex and lengthy. After the cell with the required DNA is chosen the cell is cut open using phenol which helps to break the protein layers of which the cell wall is made up of. Detergent can also be used to break the lipids in the cell wall. Thereafter, the DNA sample is placed at the interface ready to be precipitated which is aided by the use of cold ethanol. Then it’s set to spin. The collection is done in alcoholic solutions as the former is insoluble in the latter and the salts added to the specimen at the initial stage of dna extractionDNA extraction are removed by it. The extracted specimen is again prepared to be centrifuged by washing it with alcohol. Finally, electrophoresis is done on an Agarose gel which helps to confirm if the entire DNA sample is extracted or not.

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For more information on genomic dna, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the dna extraction!

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