Know Your Digestive System with Gastroenterology

Author: focusappsstore026 | Posted: 16.12.2011

Gastroenterology is the field that deals with human digestive system. It includes stomach, esophagus, and many others. The diseases includes gastrointestinal tract that includes organs from mouth to anus. The specialists of this field are known as gastroenterologists. They handle the problem that causes interruption with the digestive process. Gastroenterology 3d medical illustrations are very useful in describing about the problem in a deeper way that helps to spread the awareness among people.

• Our digestive system is a complex system to understand it takes food and turns it into digestible foam so that the essential nutrients can be taken easily from this.

• Our digestive system is also known as alimentary canal. It involves many organs. Our digestive system breakdowns the food into smaller particles that can be diffused easily by the body cells.

• The process of digestion starts from our mouth. Our teeth help to grind the food and turn it into the paste. Our saliva helps to make the paste. It is released by the tongue. It contains some enzymes which are important for the breakdown of carbohydrate into smaller sugars.

• The tube that leads from mouth to stomach is known as esophagus. The contraction of muscles in this tube helps to move the food ahead. This contraction of muscles is called peristalsis.

• When the food reaches in the stomach, it is mixed with stomach acid. This acidity of stomach helps to activate the enzymes. These enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of proteins into amino acids.

• From stomach the food enters in the small intestine. Here it is further breakdown with the help of enzymes released by pancreas. Lipids are broken into fatty acids, glycerol etc, carbohydrates are broken into sugars and protein into amino acids.

• From here the food is passes to large intestine. The essential vitamins and minerals of the food are absorbed. The waste or undigested food passed out as feces.

• In a healthy digestive system food takes around 75 hours to travel from mouth and to get converted as waste. Our body can show sensitiveness to certain kinds of food and can show symptoms like heartburn and excessive gas. Gastroenterology 3d medical illustrations are helpful in describing about the disorders and offer information in a relevant manner.

• The major ailments of digestive system are liver failure, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers etc.

Our digestive system is responsible for the proper functioning of the body. Gastroenterology 3d medical illustrations are helpful in providing thorough information about the problem so that the information can be obtained in a very easy to grasp manner. Our digestive system involves esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small and large intestine etc. proper care should be taken with this system. Lifestyle modifications, healthy food habits, daily exercise can be beneficial in the proper functioning. Only then the ailments can be avoided.

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For more information related to this Please visit : gastroenterology 3d medical illustrations and medical animation

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