Get control of gophers!

Author: ronggg82 | Posted: 12.05.2012

Get control of gophers!

When you are a homeowner, you want to protect the investment you've made in your home as much as possible. Unfortunately, pests like gophers often have other plans. Gophers are one of the most destructive critters for homeowners; they can cause a great deal of damage. Not only do gophers wreak havoc on your landscaping, they can dig holes and tunnels in your yard that can cause serious injury to pets, livestock and your family should they step into the hole. Because of this potential for damage and injury, it's important to take measures toward gopher control in your home. Gopher control and gopher exterminator services are imperative if you want to keep the dangers of gophers at bay.

Gophers have an amazing ability to dig and burrow underground. For their natural purposes, this is a great skill but when it comes to your home a gopher's ability to burrow and tunnel can be a real hazard. Because they are so efficient at digging, gophers can be difficult to control. They can cause an enormous amount of damage very quickly. What's more, the tunnels gophers dig cause the ground on top to become very unstable and, because the tunnels are not seen, it may not even be possible to detect where the danger spots are. This creates a potentially very serious falling hazard, particularly for animals. Livestock who fall and break a leg often have to be put down! Since it is very difficult to see where the gopher tunnels are, it's important to remove the threat of gophers altogether by hiring a gopher exterminator.

It's also important to know that the threat of gophers is a year-round one. Unlike other animals that can post a threat to your home, gophers do not hibernate. That means they can pose a threat to your home no matter what the season. Also, gophers do not discriminate in terms of when they will burrow, day or night. They will burrow around the clock, resulting in the ability to effectively burrow through even thousands of square feet very quickly. Good gopher control is the best way to avoid having to deal with the damage later.

Getting control of your gopher situation is important for another reason, too. Gophers do not just have one breeding season; they can breed up to three times a year and have as many as six pups each time. That means that in a very short span of time you can have an netire family of gophers living - and causing damage - on your property. Call gopher exterminators today, as these critters can live up to three years. If left alone, your gopher control problem can be made exponentially worse over time.

Protect your home, your property and your family by controlling your gopher situation in the early stages. Call gopher exterminators like Wheelers Pest Control today. They'll help you avoid any damage to your home and keep your family safe from injury as a result of falling.

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For effective gopher control call our gopher exterminators today!

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