Divorce Attorney, Northfield, NJ: Three Myths About Divorce Law

Author: rikyalbert | Posted: 25.11.2011

If you’re lucky, you won’t get divorced more than once in your life. Most people don’t go through enough divorces to become experts in family law, Northfield, NJ unless they plan to become a divorce attorney, Northfield, NJ. Therefore, it’s not surprising that a lot of myths about divorce law persist. No matter how hard we try to shake them, these three myths don’t look like they’re going to go away any time in the near future.

The Courts Automatically Side with the Mother in Custody Hearings

It’s a fair generalization to say that women tend to get custody of the children more often than not, but that’s only a generalization, fair though it may be. In reality, there’s no law on the books that says that the mother always gets custody, even if that may seem to be the case more often than not.

If you are a mother, know that you’re not guaranteed custody. If you’re a father, know that there is hope of taking custody of your own children if you feel that that is what is best for them. In either event, the point is that there’s no reason to throw caution to the wind and neglect hiring qualified legal counsel. Look up a divorce attorney, Northfield, NJ like Stephen A. Browndorf, because you’re probably going to need to argue your case to the court.

A Good Divorce Attorney Will Try to Get Every Penny

An ambitious divorce attorney will certainly try to get the other party for every single penny. They might have any number of reasons for doing this. They may get a bigger cut if they do, they may think that it will be good for their career, or they may just have an ego that doesn’t let them settle for any less. A great divorce attorney, on the other hand, understands that divorce is an emotionally trying process, and what it doesn’t cost you in money, it may well cost you in years off of your life for stress and worry. A great divorce attorney is ready for a fight when the situation calls for it, but generally wants to end things peaceably and amicably, as the end result of a messy custody battle or financially complicated case is almost never worth the end reward.

All Attorneys Practice Mercenary Ethics

There will be a divorce attorney, Northfield, NJ who specializes in troubled clients, attorneys who defend high level crime bosses and so forth, but you’re not going to find many of these guys in the divorce law field. Lawyers are generally portrayed as this-gun-for-hire, fast-talking, slick-suit-wearing wheelers and dealers in television and film, but the reality isn’t quite so exciting. In truth, a divorce lawyer is simply a legal professional whose expertise lies in the rights and responsibilities of couples going through a divorce. They offer their insight, their knowledge and their experience, they offer their words in defense of their client. What they don’t offer is dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

It’s too bad that these myths seem to persist, as it only hurts people in the long run. If you feel that you may need a divorce attorney, don’t hesitate to contact Stephen A. Browndorf, divorce attorney, Northfield, NJ.

About Author:
If you are looking for more details and information on Family Law, Northfield, NJ and Divorce Attorney, Northfield, NJ then please visit our website.

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