All About Basics of Grafisch ontwerpen

Author: 48bananas | Posted: 13.08.2012

Many of us will relate to grafische vormgeving as new or recent discipline. grafisch ontwerp, as a term was coined as far back as 1922. Similar discipline or activities have spanned throughout the existence of humankind as is evident in the various cave markings and other such artefacts that turn up archaeologically around the globe. In both, the long history of humans and the explosive visual communication of the present age, there is but a thin line separating advertising, grafisch ontwerp, and fine art.

Differing from the objective of advertising, which is primarily selling of products or services, the essence of grafische vormgeving lies in ordering information, developing form for ideas, attaching expression or feeling to objects in a way that documents the human experience.


Transfer of visual messages and knowledge is enhanced by graphics. Right from road signs to reference manuals, technical schematics to interoffice memos; grafisch ontwerp improves the readability and legibility of the visual presentation and layout of text.

Design helps in selling a product, concept or service through impactful and effective visual communication. The medium of these communications can include but are not limited to logos, colours, packaging and texts. Branding is usually a term that is used to imply this combination of design and is increasingly becoming a popular area for creative designers to showcase their visual masterpieces.

Education has also benefitted a lot from grafische vormgeving, in fact, so much as to change the very way it is being delivered to the students. Textbooks for subjects like geography, physics, mathematics, and biology all are today designed graphically – meaning the text and the illustrations are organized or ordered in a manner that is more accessible and understandable for the readers.

Graphics are core components for the entertainment industry today. grafisch ontwerp is used in visual story-telling, decorations and scenery in stage performances. Novels, comics, film credits, programs and props are other areas in entertainment that are becoming increasingly dependent on grafische vormgeving to deliver the impact.


The most important tool for grafisch ontwerp is undoubtedly the human mind. Designing compulsorily involves judgement and creativity. Critical, quantitative, observational and analytical thinking contribute to good design. If a person is merely executing a solution given to him as instructions in the form of a sketch or typography made by another person, then such a person is not considered to be a designer.

With the arrival of technologies like desktop publishing and graphic art software applications, came a generation of grafisch ontwerper adept in computer image manipulations and creations that were too laborious to be executed manually earlier or just not possible humanly. Computers exposed these designers to instantly seeing their visualizations on screen and the effects of the changes made to the layout or typography without the need for considerable amount of space.

In general, a majority of creative artists consider computers and software applications to be more effective than the traditional grafisch ontwerp tools. Some still use pencil and paper. Herein lays a key aspect of grafisch ontwerp that it makes a tool out of the appropriate image or object selection to convey the intended meaning.

About Author: is a professional grafische vormgeving company delivering outstanding grafisch ontwerp services with group of expert grafisch ontwerper .

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