3 Very Different Wires and Their Uses

Author: rosscarter586 | Posted: 25.05.2012

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the plethora of wires available to you? As nice as it is to have options, it can be get a little confusing trying to figure out what wire does what and its specific use. For the most part, magnet wire, copper wire and aluminum wire are some of the most popular wires on the market. They all however serve different purposes.

Magnet Wire

Magnet wire is specially designed for use in the construction of motors, speakers, coils and numerous other things. It is unique in that it is specifically designed to be wound as tight as possible to create a strong magnetic field and is also enveloped in a thin layer of insulation. Various parts of an automobile including the motor and coil contain magnet wire. Electric motors contain numerous magnet wires that wound around the rotor and the coil uses magnet wire to burn the gasoline in the engine.

Copper Wire

Copper wire, like magnet wire, has a unique characteristic as well. It is often referred to as the “Red Metal”. It is unique in that it is malleable and can be wound into wire form much easier than other types of wires. Copper wire is also highly conductive and is well known for its ability to conduct heat and electricity. Since copper wire is easily bended and does not corrode as easily as other wires, it is most often used in the manufacturing of jewelry. It is also used for appliances and electrical wiring due to its high conductivity.

Aluminum Wire

The only other wire higher in conductivity when compared to copper wire is aluminum wire. Aluminum wire is most commonly used in power grids, houses and airplanes. It’s malleability and high conductivity make it ideal for electrical wiring use. Aluminum wire is also often used in broadcasting equipment along with copper wire. Both wires put together tend to create a stronger electrical surge as compared to each individual wire. Aluminum wire can also be found in various types of medical diagnostic machines. Doctors employ these electrical machines when seeking internal damage to joints or organs.

Whether you’re shopping for specialty wire for your automobile, home or electrical appliances, make sure to take the time to research which one is best suited for your needs. For malleability and high conductivity, aluminum wire and copper wire should be your go to wires. If you are looking for a tightly wound wire for your car motor, you will not go wrong magnet wire.

About Author:
Welcome to Arcor Electronics, We are the fastest growing makers of copper wire and aluminum wire in US. We produce superior quality wires at very reasonable prices. We have over 500 varieties of magnet wire. Please contact us for information and let us know about your specific wire needs.

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