How to Look for a Ghazal Singer in Kolkata
Ghazal singing is a unique way of music that is indissolubly related Indian traditional gharana. It is often said that ghazal singing is not every singer’s cup of tea. It’s serious singing, which demands in depth learning and passion about the music. It won’t be wrong to comment that to appreciate ghazal singing as well, you need to a different taste of music. May be for this reason, ghazal singers are always given special respect amongst all. Kolkata is the heart of Indian music. When you try to find out a ghazal singer in Kolkata, you can easily find one without much effort. However, before you look for one, you should keep in mind some particular factors. Check what they are.
Before you look for a ghazal singer, wait and think for a while. Are you looking for such a personality to perform at any cultural program? If so, you need to consider the temperament or the nature of the occasion. Is it a serious program? Or, a para function with other performances such as contemporary dance and singing, drama, and other participations? When you call a ghazal singer or a Bhajan singer in Kolkata, it should be ideally a serious program engaging serious audience. A college function or a para function seldom maintains such seriousness. Hence, before any other consideration, you should always think about the nature of the program, and only then should consider inviting the ghazal singer in the occasion.
In addition, you should consider the personality you are inviting at the program. To explain, if you are inviting any nationally reputable singer, you should take care of the accommodation, food, conveyance, and other necessary comfort arrangements of the invited personality. However, it is not like that you do not need to take care of the other guest artists you have invited for the occasion, but you may take this as a general consideration you should not ever overlook. While inviting a ghazal singer in Kolkata for any occasion, take care that he is given the best possible welcome from your side.
Related to some extent to the above proposition, it is some time not possible to arrange for a program that would be only visited by serious audience. If this is the situation with you too, here is a solution for you. Make a list of all performances. If all the performances are singing based, arrange them categorically according to their type. In an ideal coordination, keep serious singers such as the ghazal or Bhajan singer in Kolkata at the end of the program. An occasion, having a mixed crowd might not respond well with ghazal at the beginning.
Last but most important, (it might be a little trick but you ultimately you need to ask for it) talk about the money matter while inviting him on the occasion. After laying him your proposal and invitation, ask the ghazal singer in Kolkata regarding his remuneration. It may be a hard-hitting task, but you need to approach the same as politely as you can.
Ramanuj Dasgupta - About Author:
Music is the melodious string that connects me to my life” …..Says Music Director in Kolkata, Starting from Classical, Bhajan to Gazal, his versatility & talent extends up to Bengali’s own culture, like Rabindra Sangeet, Nazrul Geeti, and Shyama Sangeet to Adhunik songs and Bhajan singer in Kolkata.For More Information Please Do Visit
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