Pollution - the Biggest Obstacle to Sustained Development
The earth we are living now is becoming a graveyard of contaminated substances. Do you think life here will become easier now? Going forward a time come where we have to pay for drinking water, good air and pollution free life zones. We humans are 90% responsible for contaminating our nature; though we know pollution can not only cause physical disabilities, but also psychological and behavioral disorders. Effects of pollution are something beyond imagination, prima fascia it will affect animals and human beings, other than tropical and deciduous forests and a much wider environment.
Did you ever take time to think about the different types of environmental pollution? By releasing toxic substances into the nature we are polluting our air, land and water, while unwanted sound creates noise pollution. As air, water and food are the primary needs of a living creature, a contamination of all the three will make its life a really suffocating one. Any substance in the atmosphere that causes damage to living organisms can be considered as a reason of air pollution. When some are visible pollutants, many in the atmosphere are invisible toxins. While natural calamities like volcanic eruptions and forest fires contribute to this, man-made pollution from industries, vehicles and factories take this into another level.
Some of the major toxic gases released into the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead, nitrogen oxide, suspended particulate matter and sulfur dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and is widely considered as a major pollutant that contributes to the global warming. This gas is coming into the atmosphere with the regular use of automobiles, planes, power plants, and other human activities such as burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas. Meanwhile, chlorofluorocarbons are emitted into the environment with the constant use of air-conditioning systems, refrigerators and aerosol propellants. Reports from World Health Organization states that air pollution is a key risk to health and is estimated to cause nearly 2 million premature deaths worldwide per year. As this data is really alarming, we have to take necessary steps to clear our atmosphere from toxic waste.
Water pollution is the other important type of pollution in the environment. The main causes of water pollution are waste water, sewage disposal by companies and factories and discarding of plastic, other than household wastes. When these wastes come into contact with natural water, it will contaminate the water and helps in the growth of viruses and bacteria. Human beings who use this water will get infected with water-borne diseases such as typhoid, amoebiasis, giardiasis and ascariasis. If we clean the industrial waste before discharging it into water bodies, then we can prevent water pollution up to a certain extent. Moreover, general awareness programs related to water pollution can also prevent people from throwing plastic waste and household garbage into the water.
When unpleasant noises enter into the atmosphere it will affect our sleep, hearing, communication, as well as mental and physical health. Such types of sounds are called unwanted noises and are the main cause of nose pollution. Unwanted noises can be from natural phenomenon like noisy wind, volcanoes, oceans, and animal sounds. Man also contributes a lot to noise pollution. This includes sounds from the working of machineries, automobiles, trains, planes, explosives, loudspeakers etc. Watching home television with connection from satellite television providers like Dish TV offers on a very high volume can also give negative a impact on your physical and mental health. The standard level of noise is 45 decibels within the city limit and any noise that go near or above 90 decibels can cause hearing problems and unfavorable changes in the nervous system.
Some of the major causes of air, water and land pollution are increasing population, a high rate of deforestation, increased use of pesticides and insecticides and the higher quantity of non-biodegradable waste from industries. Let's all unite and solve this highly recommendable problem with all its seriousness.
Annphilip - About Author:
Ann writes about environment, creatures living there and toxins that make their life impossible. She watches television shows and documentaries related to animals, birds and the flora and fauna found there in her home television powered by Dish TV offers.
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