The way of functioning of an air conditioner
A window air conditioner consists of a compressor, 2 fans, an inside chilled coil, a hot coil, control unit and an expansion valve. It is small in size such that it can be placed on a small window frame. A large air conditioner system splits the cold air from the hot air in the system which consists of a split system. The valve and the cold coil are expanded to the cold side of the furnace which blows the air through the coil which is intern blows it throughout the house.
They are made in manner that they are flexible and can fit in a small place. Air is blown over the coil to enhance their capability to despite cold air in the room and heat to the outside air. Since there is a spiral coil inside the fun it is used to blow air in through coil which reduces the energy used as well as the noise produced while it is running. This makes the coils larger and compressor but between the split system and a window conditioner there is no much difference. Depending on the size of the building that requires these systems either they are malls, large commercial offices, warehouses and even huge department stores, these systems are stored on the roof since they are huge however there are smaller units which can be placed indoors like in the roofs to regulate temperature in a given building.
Due to the growing population which interns demand a bigger place to live, this has brought about the construction of much larger buildings to cater for the high dense population. Buildings like the sky crappers, requires huge air conditioner systems which sometimes experience breakdowns due to the much work that they perform. The split systems tend to develop problems such as lubricant difficulties because of the long distance pipe and air handler that runs in between the condenser. There are also other factors such as the much accumulated amount of work that is done by the duct over a long period of time.
At this point when the duct system stops performing due to the upcoming problems, it is necessary that someone should consider quick repair of the systems as soon as possible to avoid any disruption of the day to day operations that are needed to be performed. If not so, then it is time that a chilled water system should be considered.
S.m.azizur Rahman - About Author:
For more information about portable air conditioner, please visit split system.
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