TCA Chemical Peel for Tattoo Removal
Trichloroacetic Acid, or simply as it is also called "TCA" is proven to be very effective in removing tattoos. However, at times, TCA chemical peels work best in specific situations. Three of these situations will be discussed below.
First, TCA works best as a pre-laser treatment. TCA peels are capable of removing a tattoo completely. Professionally inked tattoos are placed deeper into the skin hence TCA can also help to fade them away and it can take a few more chemical peel treatments to remove a professionally inked tattoo then tattoo's which have been placed just below the skin surface by an armature home tattooist and since laser tattoo removal treatments can be very expensive, you may opt to use TCA chemical peel as a pre-laser treatment procedure to cut done on the amount of treatments to remove your tattoo since laser tattoo removal can required several treatments to remove any tattoo completely thus laser treatments can be very expensive for tattoo removal. Using the TCA peel process can definitely save anyone several hundred dollars over laser tattoo removal. Apart, the number of times that you have to subject yourself to painful laser treatments can also lessened as there is no need to do laser treatments several times when you can do TCA chemical peels to help the process along.
Further, TCA can also work best for removing ‘bad tattoos’. Many times bad tattoos are done by amateurs. As highlighted above, professionally inked tattoos go deeper into the skin as professional tattoo artists are using special equipment to apply the tattoo. This is why professionally inked tattoos are more difficult to remove. So TCA can be very suitable in fading or completely removing amateurishly inked tattoos with repeated treatments.
On the other hand, brightly colored tattoos can be also easily removed using TCA chemical peel. Color pigments fade away completely when you use TCA but black tattoos may require more TCA peel treatments. The most ideal candidate for TCA chemical peel tattoo removal then is the amateurish, brightly colored tattoos.
What TCA can do is to gently peel the upper layers of skin to reveal new and healthier skin beneath it. The tattooed area where the TCA peel solution is applied will slowly peel away the skin holding the ink. However, when the ink sits deeper than what TCA can reach, TCA can only fade the tattoo with each treatment but with several treatments the solution removes more skin with each treatment. So TCA tattoo removal can prove to be very effective in removing your tattoo.
Here are some points to know about using TCA Peel for an effective and affordable tattoo removal.
There are several options in removing tattoo's. However, the two most common methods are laser treatments and TCA chemical peels. TCA chemical peels can actually be the best answer over that of laser treatments because of the laser treatments' high cost! However, TCA is not hype; it is actually a medically proven method of removing tattoos' just like that of laser tattoo removal treatments.
TCA chemical peels were originally used in treating different skin conditions. TCA peels of medium strenght are proven to be very effective in fading and removing most any tattoo. TCA can thus remove the tattoo for good in a matter of a few months. Aside from its affordability, TCA peel is less painful. There will be a shorter period of recovery time if you use TCA in removing your tattoo as well. When used based on the label’s directions, TCA is generally safe to use. This is also the reason why you may purchase TCA peel from online stores without a prescription.
Focusing on its affordability, TCA peeling is conducted at home. There will be no need for costly visits to the dermatologist’s office. TCA comes as a liquid solution so applying it is relatively easy requiring only a cotton ball or Q-tip. The effectiveness of TCA peel nevertheless will depend on specific factors like the depth of the tattoo and the ink used can also predict how many treatments that it may take for the complete tattoo removal.
It is important to note that the user will experience a burning sensation on the skin when using a TCA chemical peel to remove their tattoo immediately after the solution is applied. While this is normal, to alleviate the burning sensation, you may apply a cold compress on the tattooed area that is being treated. Actually, the burning sensation signals that TCA is working. and the skin that holds these ink particles will be peeled off, fading the tattoo gradually and revealing new skin after each peel. You should use a good antibacterial cream to protect the skin area.
And last but not least the area should be protected from any sun tanning for at least 6 months to prevent any dark skin spots from appearing.
Evan Nasseri - About Author:
Want to find out more about TCA Chemical Peels, then visit our site on how to choose the best Chemical Peels for your needs.
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