Play School Admission is a Crucial Decision Taken by Parents
The child for formal education. With a number of play schools mushrooming across the nation, every parent now wants their child to be in the best play school closest to the house so that the child doesn't have to walk or travel a long distance to and from school and also so that the child is not found wandering after school hours. Schools also like to take in students living in the locality so that the parents can easily be contacted in case of an emergency. However, in the midst of all these advantages of having a child study in a playschool prior to applying for class 1 in a main stream school, getting a child admitted into a play school involves a lot of hard work on the role of parents.
Though there are schools across the country that provide admission on a first come first serve basis, some admit children on the basis of a test that the schools conduct while others don't, but still Parents are left with the daunting task of first searching for the best play schools close by and then standing in line and filling up forms. It is then that parents encounter a number of problems: Long queues, school counters all over close their sale of forms at 2p.m, at times leaving the parents with a minimal scope area of being able to cover 3 schools in a day at the most. This in turn reduces the chances of the child getting into a good play school.
One parent actually told the parent she would sue a school for the amount of mental trauma it was causing parents. One would expect the Play school admissions to be smooth sailing but it's a far cry from that. The concept behind running Play school education was introduced into the Indian education sector in the last ten years and is still rather new but today, playschools have become an integral part of the Indian education system as a simple method of preparing.
At times, the school doesn't have change or compels a parent to buy a prospectus with the forms at an extra price and lately the interview cum tests for parents to write and attend as part of the admission formalities has lately found a number of parents practicing mock interviews at home. It's obvious that admission's into play schools is definitely no play. OSA is a portal that caters to parents and helps makes school admissions a delightful experience.
Incase you are on the lookout for the best schools in Chennai or Pune and the Best Schools In Hyderabad and don't know where to begin, relax! OSA does everything for you right from filling up your form, submitting them online and scheduling a date for your child's interview.OSA also posts Blogs on the Internet on topics related to education and parenting and understands a child's world perfectly.
Manishpaull - About Author:
The writer of this article is a school adviser in Online School Admissions and providing free of cost consultancy to parents and schools for fast and easy online school admissions. Parents can look for Queen Mary School Tis Hazari on the site from where they can search for nursery or Sainik School Purulia in which he thinks he can admit his child in some of the best Schools In Chennai, Hyderabad and Schools In Pune. They can also search for Devamatha Central School as per their choice and can fill school admission forms online.
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