Handcuffs are the top selling item in police supplies and equipment
Which police handcuffs does the law enforcement community favor? Some of the top brands of police handcuffs in the police supplies and equipment industry include Smith & Wesson, Peerless, ASP and Safariland. The most popular police handcuffs in the U.S. is Smith & Wesson's Model 100 which is offered in both nickel and blue (black) finishes. Why? Well, besides being fairly priced, they offer reliability and quality that is made from a manufacturer that is still here after 150 years. We all know they are one of the premier gun makers in the U.S. but expanded into manufacturing handcuffs as well many years ago. The features of it's model 100 includeWrist Opening: 2.04",Locking Positions: 22,First notch inside perimeter: 8.40",Last notch inside perimeter: 5.80",Tightest inside width: 1.80",Distance between cuffs: 2.00",Maximum overall length: 8.98"and a Weight: 10 ounces. Besides the model 100 and a wide variety of other handcuffs and restraints, Smith and Wesson also added other police supplies and equipment which include police folding knives, flashlights, hearing protection, and bags too. Many of these items can be found from several dealers throughout the U.S. which include Galls, Police Equipment Depot, INTAPOL and many more.
Police supplies and equipment companies usually offer several brands of handcuffs based on personal preferences of the department or officers they are supplying. ASP was the first company to offer it's hancuffs in a multiple arrary of colors such as white, yellow and even pink. ASP also offers super lightweight models as well. Another version of restraints are from Safariland who offers Flex Cuffs which are disposable plastic restraints and have also become very popular. These plastic restraints come in both single tie and double cuff versions and they also make it possible for officers to carry many on them or keep extras in the car. The cost bought in bulk is under $1.00 each making them the least expensive option in police handcuffs. Prices of steel handcuffs vary normally from inexpensive handcuffs made in China for under $10 to Smith & Wesson special edition locking/security cuffs that might be plated with higher end materials which are over $100. In addition to the standard wrist cuffs, there are also hinged versions and also belly, ankle and chain gang versions which can be found for use by corrections and prison applications. In addition to being used for law enforcement, police handcuffs have also found their place in civilian's homes for recreational use by adults as well as film/tv for accessories. These two additional markets also happen to be larger than law enforcement use.
Police handcuffs can be purchased at dealers nationwide and all over the internet. Dealers such as Galls carry most brands and experienced well run dealers and companies such as Police Equipment Depot and INTAPOL also offer great prices on most brands of police handcuffs as well as offer immediate shipment.
Thomasgalvin - About Author:
Find Police Handcuffs and Police Supplies And Equipment related information at Policeequipmentdepot.com
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